21.05.22 | 5 mins

Design Sprint: New generation products

The Design Sprint is a method that allows from ideation to prototyping and testing a product in less than a week.
By Miguel Gómez

Trying and discarding an idea, a service, or a product allows us to avoid mistakes and move towards the best solution quickly. With our Design Sprint, we can ensure that users and the companies will win from the first moment.

But what is a Design Sprint?

The Design Sprint was invented in Google Ventures in 2010. This method unites Design Thinking, UX Design, Lean Startup and Agile and allows for developing and testing either ideas and concepts or products and services in less than a week. It’s fast and optimal, and it reduces waiting times and costs and all this with a guarantee of success.

This way, we can significantly shorten the validation processes and test ideas without going through development or programming. It also helps us to find innovative answers to complex strategic challenges.

There are many benefits of a Design Sprint, including:

  • We can test the potential before launching production.
  • We can get immediate results.
  • We can explore and persevere in innovative ideas for our service product idea.
  • We can limit the risks and can make modifications if necessary.

Our Design Sprint step by step

DAY 1 – Contextualize, identify objectives, and plan the week

We’ll start at the end to validate a long-term goal. Next, we will create a map to define and delimit the challenge. Later, we’ll ask your company’s experts to share what they know about the problem to be solved. Finally, we will choose an accurate, ambitious yet manageable objective to resolve in five days.

DAY 2 – Diverge and ideate

We will look for innovative solutions: we’ll start by reviewing all existing ideas to remix or improve them. Next, we’ll create sketches following a four-stage process that stimulates creative thinking. We seek to produce as much as possible, not quality drawings. We collect all ideas without judging or censoring them.


DAY 3 – Decision

Now’s the time: we will choose the best idea among all the proposed solutions. We’ll have a stack of views on the walls of the Design Sprint room. Our Sprint Master will help us select the best solution- the one that we will use in the test to create the storyboard.

DAY 4 – Prototype

We’ll build a valid prototype without programming. This will collect all the stages of the storyboard and will allow users to test the solution in the most realistic way possible on the last day.


DAY 5 – Test

We will interview the users, following a protocol that ensures the correct analysis and collection of results. We will watch them test the prototype, how they interact, their reactions, and their impressions. This phase is the icing that justifies the week’s work. At the end of the day, we will know how far we have come and, above all, what the next steps are.

It’s time to check its usefulness

Any idea you need to validate or any problem you want to solve are great candidates for a Design Sprint. And we are here to carry it out. Get in touch.


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